Amazon EKS Anywhere maintains relationships with third-party vendors to provide add-on solutions for EKS Anywhere clusters. A complete list of these partners is maintained on the Amazon EKS Anywhere Partners page. See Conformitron: Validate third-party software with Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Anywhere for information on how conformance testing and quality assurance is done on this software.
The following shows validated EKS Anywhere partners whose products have passed conformance test for specific EKS Anywhere providers and versions:
Bare Metal provider validated partners
Kubernetes Version : 1.27
Date of Conformance Test : 2024-05-02
Following ISV Partners have Validated their Conformance :
aqua aqua-enforcer 2022.4.20
dynatrace dynatrace 0.10.1
komodor k8s-watcher 1.15.5
kong kong-enterprise 2.27.0
accuknox kubearmor v1.3.2
kubecost cost-analyzer 2.1.0
nirmata enterprise-kyverno 1.6.10
lacework polygraph 6.11.0
newrelic nri-bundle 5.0.64
perfectscale perfectscale v0.0.38
pulumi pulumi-kubernetes-operator 0.3.0 solo-istiod 1.18.3-eks-a
sysdig sysdig-agent 1.6.3 tetrate-istio-distribution 1.18.1
hashicorp vault 0.25.0
vSphere provider validated partners
Kubernetes Version : 1.28
Date of Conformance Test : 2024-05-02
Following ISV Partners have Validated their Conformance :
aqua aqua-enforcer 2022.4.20
dynatrace dynatrace 0.10.1
komodor k8s-watcher 1.15.5
kong kong-enterprise 2.27.0
accuknox kubearmor v1.3.2
kubecost cost-analyzer 2.1.0
nirmata enterprise-kyverno 1.6.10
lacework polygraph 6.11.0
newrelic nri-bundle 5.0.64
perfectscale perfectscale v0.0.38
pulumi pulumi-kubernetes-operator 0.3.0 solo-istiod 1.18.3-eks-a
sysdig sysdig-agent 1.6.3 tetrate-istio-distribution 1.18.1
hashicorp vault 0.25.0
AWS Snow provider validated partners
Kubernetes Version : 1.28
Date of Conformance Test : 2023-11-10
Following ISV Partners have Validated their Conformance :
dynatrace dynatrace solo-istiod
komodor k8s-watcher
kong kong-enterprise
accuknox kubearmor
kubecost cost-analyzer
nirmata enterprise-kyverno
lacework polygraph
suse neuvector
newrelic newrelic-bundle
perfectscale perfectscale
pulumi pulumi-kubernetes-operator
sysdig sysdig-agent
hashicorp vault